Welcome to IT!

The UACCM Help Center will be happy to help with any computer issues you may be having.  Please email, phone, or just drop by our office.

UACCM Help Center

Library Complex, Room 103



Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Emergency Alert System

Click on the link below to access the Early Alert System online registration form for Faculty and Staff



Network Account Access Forms and Policies

The UACCM Acceptable Use Policy is required reading for all new students and employees. In addition, student workers, staff, and faculty are required to read, understand, and follow the UACCM Information Systems Access Policy.

UACCM Network Access Form

UACCM Employee Account Creation Form

UACCM Acceptable Use Policy

UACCM Information Systems Access Policy


Student FAQs

Here are some helpful hints that may get you up and running fast!


Microsoft OneDrive

Outlook Desktop App Configuration

Now that MFA is in effect for students, you must configure the Outlook desktop app to use an app password.

Update Your Contact Information

You can change your e-mail, address, or phone number:

  1. Log into the UACCM Portal and click to the CampusConnect tab
  2. In the Demographic Information section, select Click here to update your demographic data
  3. Update your contact information in the fields provided, then click the Make Changes button

Update Your UACCM Account Name

For legal name changes:

We will update your account name once we receive notice from the Registrar's Office and are able to contact you to let you know we're about to make the change. Once the update takes effect, all of your network account features (Portal, email, Library databases, etc.) will be affected. However, your network password will remain the same.

Staying Connected

Be sure to check your UACCM student email weekly to stay informed on the latest UACCM news that affects you. This is especially important for students who attend classes only online, since you miss out on seeing our electronic notice boards as well as the typical word-of-mouth communication you would get attending classes on campus. Also, check out the UACCM Facebook page weekly -- and if you like, follow us on Instagram!

Accessing Your Student Accounts Online

UACCM Student ID and Workday Universal ID

Students who began their first semester between Fall 2017 and Spring 2024 will continue to use their UACCM Student ID number, even if they are returning students. 

New students and students who begin their first semester Spring 2017 or earlier will use the Workday Universal ID as their Student ID number.

UACCM Network Username

UACCM network usernames follow this pattern: first initial + middle initial + full last name + last three digits of your Student ID number. UACCM email addresses are the network username plus the domain name @uaccm.edu. If you have two last names, both will be used unless this would cause the username to exceed the 20-character limit. In that case, only the first of these will be used.


Anna E. Williams







Tracy Thompson-Barr







Estéfan Alamilla Fernandez







Workday Student

If you are a current or returning student and have logged into your Microsoft 365 account, you can access Workday Student from the M365 dashboard:

  • Click on the 9-dot grid near the top left corner of the dashboard. This will be up in the red banner above the column of Microsoft app icons
  • Select More Apps from the drop-down menu; both the Workday Student and Blackboard app icons can be found here

If you have not already signed into your account on Microsoft 365:

  • Navigate to the Microsoft SSO Password Reset site at https://aka.ms/sspr  This automatically redirects you to https://passwordreset.microsoftonline.com/
  • Enter your UACCM student email address and the Captcha text and click Next.
  • Leave the option “I forgot my password” selected and click Next. You can elect to receive a 1-time passcode to the email address you listed on your admissions application. After you enter the code, you will be prompted to create your own password.

The password you create needs to meet these conditions:

  • 15 characters or longer
  • At least 1 capital – AND – 1 lowercase letter
  • 1 or more numbers
  • 1 or more special characters such as #$%&*!?
  • May not contain your first name, last name, or your Student ID number

Once your password is set, you will be prompted to enter your cell phone number in order to register this number as an account recovery option in addition to your email address.

Microsoft MyApps

After you have created your network password, navigate to https://myapplications.microsoft.com If you are not automatically signed in, you can sign in with your UACCM student email address and the password you created.

Workday Student/Blackboard

Click on the Workday Student icon to access Workday Student.

Click on the Blackboard Learn icon to access Blackboard. When you arrive at the Blackboard sign in page, click the box labeled “Sign in with third-party account” and select Click here to log in with UACCM Account”

§ Please note: Your Blackboard account may not be available until 2 weeks before the start of the upcoming term. If you are still not able to sign into Blackboard 10 days before the start of term, please contact the Help Center at HelpCenter@uaccm.edu or call directly at (501) 208.5312


Microsoft 365

To access your Microsoft 365 account, including your Outlook student email and OneDrive file storage, navigate to https://www.office.com. Sign in with your student email address and the password you created. Your Microsoft 365 apps icons will appear in a column on the left of the screen. To access apps not listed there (including Workday Student and Blackboard) click on the 9-dot grid near the top left of the screen, then select More Apps from the drop-down menu


Microsoft Authenticator

Microsoft Corp now requires users to verify their accounts using the Microsoft Authenticator app (with end-to-end encryption) rather than using the 6-digit code sent via SMS (unencrypted).

    • In the top red banner of your M365 screen, you’ll see a circle by your name containing your initials. Click on the circle and then select View account underneath your address
    • On the next screen, find the Security Info tile and click on the phrase UPDATE INFO
    • On the next screen, click Add sign-in method
    • In the Add a method box, click the arrow next to Choose a method and select Authenticator app
    • When you see the prompt, download the Microsoft Authenticator app from Google Play or the App Store. Once you have the app installed, click Next on your computer screen.
    • Open the app and touch Add account. Select Work or School, then choose the option Scan QR code and click Next on your computer screen
    • Scan the QR code that appears on your computer screen using the scanner within the app on your phone. You may need to give the app access to your camera for this
    • Once you scan the code, the app will bring up either a dialog box and keypad to enter the 2-digit code shown on your computer screen and touch YES (Android) or a set of three pairs of digits so you can select the correct code and touch APPROVE (iPhone)
    • Click Next and then Done to finish

Respondus LockDown Browser

Go to the UACCM Portal at https://portal.uaccm.edu

Click on the Blackboard tab and scroll down to this link: https://www.respondus.com/lockdown/download.php?id=245749641

If your device runs Windows, MacOS, or iOS, clicking the DOWNLOAD button will download the installation file. Depending on your OS version, you may need to navigate to your Downloads folder and double-click on the file name to launch the installation.


If you are using a Chromebook, clicking the DOWNLOAD button will add LockDown Browser as a Chrome extension with no further action needed.


Library Databases

When accessing digital resources from the Library page of the UACCM website, you will log in with your network username and the password you created.