If you are not already logged into your Microsoft MyApps account, navigate to https://myapplications.microsoft.com and log in using your UACCM email address and the same password you created for your Microsoft 365 account.
Click on the Blackboard Learn icon to access Blackboard. When you arrive at the Blackboard sign in page, skip past the Username and Password fields. Underneath the Sign In button, click the box labeled “Sign in with third-party account” and select Click here to log in with UACCM Account”.
You will be taken directly to your student dashboard in Blackboard. (Blackboard.com calls this an Institution Page rather than a dashboard.)
§ Please note: Your Blackboard account may not be available until 2 weeks before the start of the upcoming term. If you are still not able to sign into Blackboard 10 days before the start of term, please contact the Help Center at HelpCenter@uaccm.edu or call directly at (501) 208.5312