Are You Getting The Credit You Deserve?

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton (UACCM) is committed to excellence in learning and personal enrichment. We are devoted to creating partnerships with our local secondary schools to assist future students in a smooth transition from high school to UACCM.

ARTICULATED CREDIT allows students to move from high school to UACCM without duplicating efforts or repeating courses. UACCM will not charge tuition or fees for course credit earned under approved Articulated Course Agreements.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Any high school student taking career and technical education courses in high school may receive credit if they earn a "B" or higher in courses that have been articulated between UACCM and their high school.   

WHAT CLASSES ARE ELIGIBLE FOR ARTICULATION?  Many classes are available. Courses available depend upon the formal articulation agreement between the high schools and UACCM.  A list of UACCM Articulated Courses is available below in the Handouts Section.

HOW DO I RECEIVE ARTICULATED CREDIT?  Complete the Articulated Credit Request Form.

If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar's Office at 501-977-2052 or at